Olivier Parisot

👨🏼‍💻 AI/Machine Learning | 🔭 R&D/Science | 🛡️ IP Rights for software

Metz/Luxembourg - doopyon@gmail.com

[AI / computer science / decision support] projects since more than 20 years (public and private partners).

R&D collaborations setup and lead, project management.

  Technical and scientific expertise for identification and protection of the Intellectual Property Rights for software.

Author and co-author of peer-reviewed scientific publications and reviewer/committee member at international conferences.


Senior Research & Technology Associate

Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology

Set-up and lead collaborative R&D projects with public and private partners (Europe).
Provide technical and scientific expertise for the identification and protection of the Intellectual Property Rights of the LIST software portfolio.
Valorize inventions through patents, peer-reviewed papers, participation to tech-fairs and conferences.

1/2015 - today


CRP Gabriel Lippmann

Research and development with public and private partners.
Active support for the acquisition of new projects.

2/2008 - 12/2014

Software engineer / Head of development

Sapiens Tech

Design and development of a (really) innovative platform for the financial services industry.
Management of the technical team (4 p.).

1/2004 - 12/2007

Software engineer


Design and development of a service for the reception on GPRS mobile terminals of the electronic program guide TV broadcast by the DVB-T network, and the viewing on these terminals of the programs of interest to the user.

4/2003 - 9/2003

Software engineer

Bouygues Telecom

Development of a generic API to manage the transmission of SMS between applications and the GSM network.

2/2003 - 3/2003


Core competencies

  • Research topics: Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Computer Vision, Decision Support System
  • Legal aspects in the software industry: copyrights, proofs of anteriority, licenses, patents, trademarks
  • Transversal: R&D funding acquisition, project management, coaching, dissemination, IP valorisation & protection

Application domains

  • Electronically Assisted Astronomy, Citizen Science (deep sky image processing with Vaonis)
  • Space (anomaly detection in spacecrafts telemetry data for European Space Agency)
  • Agriculture (crop yield prediction with Agroptimize and Wanaka, funghi detection with Ministère de l'Agriculture)
  • e-commerce (online sales prediction and automatic textual content generation with infinAIt S.A.)
  • Public Administration (payment of family allowances for frontier workers for CNPF -- software still in production!)
  • Hydrology (missing data imputation for hydrological sensors -- gapIt software)
  • Energy (prediction of onshore wind turbines location -- WindturbinesPlanner software)
  • Fintech (development of a robot investment platform -- Vestor)

Personal showroom

Geek zone

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Continuous Education

Recent trainings

2024: 'How to Think Strategically' - LinkedinLearning [link]
2024: 'How Startups Find Problems Worth Solving' - LinkedinLearning [link]
2024: 'The Power of the Minimalist Entrepreneur' - LinkedinLearning [link]
2024: 'Introduction to Social Media Strategy' - LinkedinLearning [link]
2022: 'Social media: LinkedIn training' - ORSYS
2021: 'Responsible AI Algorithm Design' - LinkedinLearning [link]
2021: 'GPT3: A Leap in Artificial Intelligence' - LinkedinLearning [link]
2021: 'HighStakes Communication' - LinkedinLearning [link]
2021: 'Introduction to Quantum Computing' - LinkedinLearning [link]
2020: 'GDPR foundations' - LinkedinLearning [link]
2020: 'Delivering an Authentic Elevator Pitch' - LinkedinLearning [link]
2020: 'Understanding Rights of Publicity A Deeper Dive' - LinkedinLearning [link]
2020: 'Understanding Trade Secrets A Deeper Dive' - LinkedinLearning [link]
2020: 'Les fondements de la propriété intellectuelle et du droit numérique' - LinkedinLearning [link]
2019: 'Mettez en place l'intégration et la livraison continues avec la démarche DevOps' - OpenClassRooms [link]
2019: 'Maîtrisez les brevets et les stratégies de propriété industrielle' - INSA via OpenClassRooms [link]
2018: 'Réalisez des rapports statistiques clairs et impactants' - ENSAE-ENSAI via OpenClassRooms [link]
2018: ‘Modélisez vos données avec des méthodes ensemblistes’ – CentraleSupelec via OpenClassRooms [link]
2018: ‘Initiez-vous à la gestion de projet Agile’ – OpenClassRooms [link]
2018: ‘Développez votre activité avec le Marketing de Contenu’ – OpenClassRooms [link]
2018: ‘Animez une communauté Twitter’ – OpenClassRooms [link]
2017: ‘Réalisez le cahier des charges d'un projet digital’ – IESA Multimedia via OpenClassRooms [link]
2017: ‘Gérez un projet digital avec une méthodologie en cascade’ – OpenClassRooms [link]
2017: ‘Apprenez à bien cadrer un projet’ – IESA Multimedia via OpenClassRooms [link]
2017: ‘Construire son Business Plan’ – Paris Business School of Business via OpenClassRooms [link]
2017: ‘Devenez auto-entrepreneur’ – OpenClassRooms [link]
2017: ‘Introduction aux conteneurs’ – Microsoft Virtual Academy via OpenClassRooms [link]
2017: ‘Avoir l'audace d'entreprendre’ – Paris Business School of Business via OpenClassRooms [link]
2017: ‘Financer son entreprise’ – CentraleSupelec via OpenClassRooms [link]
2017: ‘Développez votre leadership pour mieux diriger’ – BPI France via OpenClassRooms [link]
2017: ‘Décodez l'ADN de l'innovateur' - École Polytechnique via OpenClassRooms [link]

In a past life

Mai 2011: ‘HERMES: concepts de base et préparation à la certification HSPTP’ – CRP Henri Tudor [link]
Juin 2010: ‘Méthodologie de test: qualification logicielle’ – VisionIT Group [link]
Mai 2007: ‘Management d'une équipe’ - Institut de formation de la Chambre de Commerce de Luxembourg [link]

Education (BAC+5)

2003: DESS Informatique Option Ingénierie des Réseaux et des Systèmes à l’Université de Nancy (mention B)
2002: Maîtrise Informatique à l’Université de Metz (mention AB)
2001: Licence Informatique à l'Université de Metz (mention AB)
2000: DEUG Mathématiques et Informatique Appliquées aux Sciences à l'Université de Metz
1998: Baccalauréat S Option Technologie Industrielle au Lycée Louis Vincent à Metz (mention AB)

Publications and Talks

Olivier Parisot : «Data and models for sunspots detection in solar images captured with smart telescope », «International Conference on Advanced Research in Technologies, Information, Innovation and Sustainability (ARTIIS 2024)», 10/2024 [link]

Olivier Parisot, Mahmoud Jaziri : «Impact of satellites streaks for observational astronomy: a study on data captured during one year from Luxembourg Greater Region», «13th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications (DATA 2024)», 7/2024 [link]

Olivier Parisot : «Applying AI to encourage the public to observe and enjoy observational astronomy», «Communicating Astronomy with the Public (CAP 2024)», 6/2024 [link]

Olivier Parisot : «SunspotsYoloDataset: annotated solar images captured with smart telescopes (January 2023 - May 2024)», «Dataset on Zenodo», 5/2024 [link]

Olivier Parisot, Mahmoud Jaziri : «Deep Sky Objects Detection with Deep Learning for Electronically Assisted Astronomy», «MDPI Astronomy, Volume 3, Issue 2», 5/2024 [link]

Olivier Parisot : «Trustworthy processing of space images with a XAI-powered toolbox», «Space Resource Week 2024», 3/2024 [link]

Olivier Parisot, Mahmoud Jaziri : «Détection d'objets célestes dans des images astronomiques par IA explicable», «24ème conférence francophone sur l'Extraction et la Gestion des Connaissances (EGC2024)», 1/2024 [link]

Olivier Parisot : «DeepSpaceYoloDataset: Annotated Astronomical Images Captured with Smart Telescopes», «MDPI Data, Volume 9, Issue 1», 1/2024 [link]

Olivier Parisot, Mahmoud Jaziri : «Assisting Observational Astronomy for Public with Smart Telescopes and eXplainable Artificial Intelligence», «Preprint.org», 10/2023 [link]

Olivier Parisot : «Deep Regression Learning for Collaborative Electronically Assisted Astronomy», «20th International Conference on Cooperative Design, Visualization and Engineering (CDVE 2023)», 10/2023

Olivier Parisot, Pierrick Bruneau, Patrik Hitzelberger : «Astronomical Images Quality Assessment with Automated Machine Learning», «12th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications (DATA 2023)», 7/2023 [preprint]

Mahmoud Jaziri, Olivier Parisot : «Explainable AI for Astronomical Images Classification», «ERCIM News 134», 7/2023 [link]

Olivier Parisot, Patrik Hitzelberger, Pierrick Bruneau, Gilles Krebs, Christophe Destruel, Benoît Vandame : «MILAN Sky Survey, a dataset of raw deep sky images captured during one year with a Stellina automated telescope», «Data In Brief», Elsevier, 4/2023 [link]

Olivier Parisot, Alexandru-Adrian Tantar : «On-board eXplainable AI models for in situ Lunar and Martian images», Space Resource Week 2023, European Space Resources Innovation Centre (ESRIC), «4/2023» [preprint]

Olivier Parisot, Thomas Tamisier : «Amélioration de la qualité d'images avec un algorithme d'optimisation inspirée par la nature», «arXiv preprint», 3/2023 [preprint]

Olivier Parisot : «MILAN Sky Survey: raw images captured with a Stellina observation station», Dataset, «2/2023» [link]

Olivier Parisot, Pierrick Bruneau, Patrik Hitzelberger, Gilles Krebs, Christophe Destruel, Benoît Vandame : «Introduction to Electronically Assisted Astronomy with automated observation stations», «4th Shaw-IAU Workshop», International Astronomical Union, 11/2022 [proceedings] [slides]

Olivier Parisot : «A propos des télescopes automatisés pour le grand public», «Journée de la Statistique 2022, STATEC, Luxembourg Science Center», 10/2022

Olivier Parisot : «Stargazing with Electronically Assisted Astronomy», «Expo Sciences Luxembourg 2022, 12th edition», 10/2022

Olivier Parisot, Pierrick Bruneau, Patrik Hitzelberger, Gilles Krebs, Christophe Destruel : «Improving Accessibility for Deep Sky Observation», «ERCIM News 130», 7/2022 [link] [preprint]

Olivier Parisot : «Visuel assisté et instruments automatisés, ou comment rendre l’astronomie plus accessible au grand public», «Rencontres Astronomiques du Centre Ardenne 2022 (RACA 2022) », 5/2022 [link]

Olivier Parisot, Thomas Tamisier : «Applying Genetic Algorithm and Image Quality Assessment for Reproducible Processing of Low-light Images», «2nd International Conference on Image Processing and Vision Engineering (IMPROVE 2022)», 4/2022 [preprint]

Marco Beyer, Benedek Marozsak, Doriane Dam, Olivier Parisot, Marine Pallez-Barthel, Lucien Hoffmann : «Enhancing septoria leaf blotch forecasts in winter wheat II: model architecture and validation results», Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection, 2/2022 [link]

Olivier Parisot, Thomas Tamisier : «Reproducible Improvement of Images Quality through Nature Inspired Optimisation», «18th International Conference on Cooperative Design, Visualization and Engineering (CDVE 2021)», 10/2021 [link]

Olivier Parisot, Thomas Tamisier : «Automated Machine Learning for Wind Farms Location», «10th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (ICPRAM 2021)», 5/2/2021 [link]

Olivier Parisot : «A Data-Driven Platform for Predicting the Position of Future Wind Turbines», «17th International Conference on Cooperative Design, Visualization and Engineering (CDVE 2020)», Bangkok, Thailand, 25/10/2020 [link]

Olivier Parisot, Philippe Pinheiro, Patrik Hitzelberger : «Détection d'anomalies dans les données télémétriques de vaisseaux spatiaux», «20ème conférence Extraction et Gestion des Connaissances (EGC 2020)», Bruxelles, Belgique, 29/1/2020 [link]

Olivier Parisot, Philippe Pinheiro, Patrik Hitzelberger : «DMSS: Decision Management System for Safer Spacecrafts», Adhoc-Now 2019 , Luxembourg, 2/10/2019 [link] [preprint]

Olivier Parisot, Philippe Pinheiro, Patrik Hitzelberger : «Designing IoT architectures: Learning from Massive Spacecraft Telemetry Data Analytics», ERCIM News 119 , 1/10/2019 [link]

Olivier Parisot, Thomas Tamisier : «A corpus of narratives related to Luxembourg for the period 1945-1975», «14th International Workshop on Technologies for Information Retrieval (TIR 2017)», Lyon, France, 29/8/2017

Pierrick Bruneau, Olivier Parisot, Thomas Tamisier : «Storing and Processing Personal Narratives in the Context of Cultural Legacy Preservation», «6th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications (DATA 2017)», Madrid, Espagne, 26/7/2017 [link]

Paulo Carvalho, Olivier Parisot, Thomas Tamisier : «Using Visualisation Techniques to Acquire a Better Understanding of Storytelling for Cultural Heritage», «6th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications (DATA 2017)», Madrid, Espagne, 26/7/2017

Olivier Parisot, Thomas Tamisier : «Vers un échantillonnage de flux de données transformé», «17ème conférence Extraction et Gestion des Connaissances (EGC 2017)», Grenoble, France, 23/1/2017 [link]

Pierrick Bruneau, Olivier Parisot, Thomas Tamisier : «Faciliter les contributions personnelles pour préserver la mémoire des événements historiques», «17ème conférence Extraction et Gestion des Connaissances (EGC 2017)», Grenoble, France, 23/1/2017 [link]

Olivier Parisot, Benoît Otjacques : «Predictive Modelling from Data Streams», «ERCIM News 107», 1/10/2016 [link] [preprint]

Laura Giustarini, Olivier Parisot, Mohammad Ghoniem, Renaud Hostache, Ivonne Trebs, Benoît Otjacques : «A user-driven case-based reasoning tool for infilling missing values in daily mean river flow records», «Environmental Modelling & Software», Volume 82, pages 308--320, 8/2016 [link]

Olivier Parisot, Patrik Hitzelberger, Yoanne Didry, Gero Vierke, Helmut Rieder : «Text Analytics on Start-up Descriptions», «IEEE Tenth International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science», Grenoble, France, 2/6/2016 [preprint]

Laura Giustarini, Olivier Parisot, Mohammad Ghoniem, Renaud Hostache, Ivonne Trebs, Benoît Otjacques : «gapIT: a user-driven case-based reasoning tool for infilling missing values in daily mean river flow records», «Tag der Hydrologie 2016», Koblenz, Germany, 17/3/2016

Olivier Parisot, Yoanne Didry, Thomas Tamisier, Benoît Otjacques : «Training Model Trees on Data Streams with Missing Values», «Data Management Technologies and Applications, Volume 584 of the series Communications in Computer and Information Science», 20/2/2016 [link]

Olivier Parisot, Yoanne Didry, Thomas Tamisier : «Un outil d'exploration pour le Défi EGC 2016», «16ème conférence Extraction et Gestion des Connaissances (EGC 2016)», Reims, France, 20/1/2016 [link]

Olivier Parisot, Yoanne Didry, Thomas Tamisier, Benoît Otjacques : «Arbres de modèles et flux de données incomplets», «16ème conférence Extraction et Gestion des Connaissances (EGC 2016)», Reims, France, 21/1/2016 [link]

Yoanne Didry, Olivier Parisot, Thomas Tamisier: «Engineering Data Intensive Applications with Cadral», «12th International Conference on Cooperative Design, Visualization and Engineering (CDVE 2015)», Mallorca, Spain, 21/9/2015

Olivier Parisot, Yoanne Didry, Thomas Tamisier, Benoît Otjacques : «Preserving prediction accuracy on incomplete data streams», «4th International Conference on Data Management Technologies and Applications (DATA 2015)», Colmar, France, 21/7/2015

Laura Giustarini, Olivier Parisot, Mohammad Ghoniem, Ivonne Trebs, Nicolas Médoc, Olivier Faber, Renaud Hostache, Patrick Matgen, Benoît Otjacques : «Data-infilling in daily mean river flow records: first results using a visual analytics tool (gapIT)», «European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2015 (EGU 2015), Geophysical Research Abstracts Volume 17», Vienna, Austria, 13/4/2015 [link]

Olivier Parisot, Yoanne Didry, Thomas Tamisier, Benoît Otjacques : «Helping predictive analytics interpretation using regression trees and clustering perturbation», «Journal of Decision System Volume 24 Issue 1», 29/1/2015 [link]

Olivier Parisot, Laura Giustarini, Olivier Faber, Renaud Hostache, Ivonne Trebs, Mohammad Ghoniem : «gapIT: Un outil visuel pour l'imputation de valeurs manquantes en hydrologie», «EGC 2015», Luxembourg, 1/2015 [link]

Yoann Didry, Olivier Parisot, Philippe Pinheiro, Thomas Tamisier : «Méthodes incrémentales de réduction de dimensions», «Atelier Visualisation d’informations, Interaction, et Fouille de données (EGC 2015)», Luxembourg, 1/2015 [link]

Olivier Parisot, Thomas Tamisier : «An Interactive tool for transparent Data Preprocessing», «ERCIM News 100», 1/2015 [link] [preprint]

Olivier Parisot, Gero Vierke, Thomas Tamisier, Yoanne Didry, Helmut Rieder : «Visual analytics for supporting manufacturers and distributors in online sales», «6th International Workshop on Enterprise Modelling and Information Systems Architectures (EMISA 2014): Evolution of Information Systems and their Design Methods», Luxembourg, 9/2014 [link]

Olivier Parisot, Yoanne Didry, Thomas Tamisier : «Data wrangling: a decisive step for compact regression trees», «11th International Conference on Cooperative Design, Visualization and Engineering (CDVE 2014)», Seattle, USA, 9/2014

Thomas Tamisier, Gero Vierke, Helmut Rieder, Yoanne Didry, Olivier Parisot : «Data intellection for wiser online sales, the Optosa approach», «11th International Conference on Cooperative Design, Visualization and Engineering (CDVE 2014)», Seattle, USA, 9/2014

Olivier Parisot, Mohammad Ghoniem, Benoît Otjacques : «Decision trees and data preprocessing to help clustering interpretation», «The 3rd International Conference on Data Management Technologies and Applications (DATA 2014)», Vienna, Austria, 8/2014

Pierrick Bruneau, Olivier Parisot, Benoît Otjacques : «A heuristic for the automatic parametrization of the spectral clustering algorithm», «International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR 2014)», Stockholm, Sweden, 8/2014

Olivier Parisot, Yoanne Didry, Thomas Tamisier : «Helping decision support with regression trees and clustering perturbation», «DSS 2.0 – Supporting decision making with new technologies», Paris, France, 6/2014

Pierrick Bruneau, Olivier Parisot, Amir Mohammadi, Cenk Demiroglu, Mohammad Ghoniem, Thomas Tamisier : «Finding relevant features for statistical speech synthesis adaptation», « VisLR: Visualization as added value in the development, use and evaluation of LRs », Reykjavik, Islande, 5/2014

Olivier Parisot, Yoanne Didry, Pierrick Bruneau, Thomas Tamisier : «Vers une classification non supervisée adaptée pour obtenir des arbres de décision simplifiés», « 14ème conférence Extraction et Gestion des Connaissances (EGC 2014), Rennes, France », 1/2014 [link]

Pierrick Bruneau, Olivier Parisot, Philippe Pinheiro : «Une heuristique pour le paramétrage automatique de l’algorithme de clustering spectral», « 14ème conférence Extraction et Gestion des Connaissances (EGC 2014), Rennes, France », 1/2014

Philippe Pinheiro, Yoanne Didry, Olivier Parisot, Thomas Tamisier : «Traitement Visuel et Interactif dans le Logiciel Cadral», « Atelier visualisation d’informations, interaction et fouille de données (GT-VIF, EGC 2014), Rennes, France », 1/2014 [link]

Olivier Parisot, Yoanne Didry, Pierrick Bruneau, Thomas Tamisier : «Data visualization using decision trees and clustering», « 5th International Conference on Information Visualization Theory and Applications (IVAPP 2014), Lisbon, Portugal », 1/2014 [link]

Pierrick Bruneau, Olivier Parisot, Benoît Otjacques : «Flux de Données contre Séries Temporelles», « Atelier Fouille visuelle de données temporelles de la 25ème conférence francophone sur l'Interaction Homme-Machine (IHM 2013 - Ateliers) », Bordeaux, France, 11/2013 [link]

Olivier Parisot, Pierrick Bruneau, Yoanne Didry, Thomas Tamisier : «User-driven data preprocessing for decision support», « 10th International Conference on Cooperative Design, Visualization and Engineering, September (CDVE 2013), 22-25, September, 2013 », «Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 8091, pp. 81-84», Mallorca, Spain, 2013

Olivier Parisot, Yoanne Didry, Thomas Tamisier, Benoît Otjacques : «Using clustering to improve decision trees visualization», « 2nd International Symposium Advances in Interactive and Visual Data Clustering, 15, 16, 17 and 18 July 2013 (iV2013 - AIVDAC), SOAS, University of London, London, United Kingdom »

Olivier Parisot, A. Schlechter, P. Bauler, Fernand Feltz : «Flexible integration of eventually consistent distributed storage with strongly consistent databases», « IEEE Second Symposium on Network Cloud Computing and Applications, December 3rd-4th 2012, London, UK », pp 65-72, 2012

Thomas Tamisier, Olivier Parisot, Yoanne Didry, Jérôme Wax, Fernand Feltz : «Adapting decision support to business requirements through data interpretation», «Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), Volume 6874: 8th International Conference on Cooperative Design, Visualization, and Engineering, (CDVE 2011), 11-14 September 2011, Hong Kong, Chine», pp. 82-85, 2011 [link]

Jérôme Wax, Benoît Otjacques, Thomas Tamisier, Olivier Parisot, Yoanne Didry, Fernand Feltz : «Modeling decisional knowledge with the help of data quality information », « Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), Volume 6874: 8th International Conference on Cooperative Design, Visualization, and Engineering (CDVE 2011), 11-14 September 2011, Hong-Kong, Chine », pp. 78-81, 2011

Jérôme Wax, Benoît Otjacques, Thomas Tamisier, Olivier Parisot, Yoanne Didry, Fernand Feltz : «Measuring the impact of data quality in a corporate decision-support system», « EVOLVE 2011 Workshop, A bridge between Probability, Set Oriented Numerics and Evolutionary Computation, 25-27 May 2011, Bourglinster, Luxembourg », 2011 [link]

Thomas Tamisier, Olivier Parisot, Yoanne Didry, Jérôme Wax, Fernand Feltz : «Flexible and Fine-Grain Decision Support based on Data Interpretation», « EVOLVE 2011 Workshop, A bridge between Probability, Set Oriented Numerics and Evolutionary Computation, 25-27 May 2011, Bourglinster, Luxembourg », 2011 [link]

Thomas Tamisier, Yoanne Didry, Olivier Parisot, Jérôme Wax, Fernand Feltz : «Decision Support Tailored to Business Workflows», «Workshop 2011 - Optimization and Learning: Theory, Algorithms and Applications», Metz, France, 2011 [link]

Thomas Tamisier, Yoanne Didry, Olivier Parisot, Jérôme Wax, Fernand Feltz : «A model-driven architecture for implementing business reasoning maintenance systems», «12th IFAC Symposium on Large Scale Systems: Theory and Applications», France, 2010

Thomas Tamisier, Yoanne Didry, Olivier Parisot, Jérôme Wax, Fernand Feltz : «Model generated interface for modeling and applying decisional knowledge», « 2nd International Conference on Networked Digital Technologies (NDT 2010), 7-9 July 2010, Prague, République Tchèque », « Networked Digital Technologies, Part II, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 88 », Springer, Berlin, Allemagne, pp. 430-442, 2010

Thomas Tamisier, Yoanne Didry, Olivier Parisot, Fernand Feltz : «A collaborative reasoning maintenance system for a reliable application of legislations», « Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 5738 », Springer, Berlin, Allemagne, pp. 313-316, 2009